Monday, October 25, 2010


1.  I am not better at blogging today (yet).
2.  Five food kits have been received by people in need.
3.  Two hygiene kits have been prepared.
4.  My passion grows with each donation, each kit prepared, each connection made.
5.  Your support is needed in the form of positive thoughts, encouragement, prayers, donations, and giving.
6.  If you have any comments or questions, please leave them here or email:
7.  Please feel free to offer any experiences or advice that may prove helpful for all of us.
8.  THANK YOU for reading this blog and for your support.
9.  Coming soon!  A donation box near . . . you?
10.  Could you skip a movie, a lunch, or a special coffee or drink to take a moment, stop and think.  Cans of pull-open organic vegetables at Fresh and Easy are only about 88 cents.  Next time you shop for cans for yourself, if you're able, just buy two - that is what I try to do.  Please see blog below: "Guidelines for Givers."

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