Monday, October 25, 2010

Guidelines for Givers

* Be grateful. Practice gratitude. Once you understand how very much you have, you will be able to share it freely with others.

* Be safe! Never try to approach someone who is aggressive. Give when the situation feels comfortable / safe, never when safety is in question. Try to go when there is plenty of light and try to go with someone.

* Do not give out of guilt! When you give out of love your actions are comfortable and offer a better opportunity to build trust which can allow people to be more receptive to your open heart.

* Have a completely open heart. A mind that’s focused on dignity and respect. Understand that receiving personal items in public can be embarrassing, that you are entering his or her space even though he or she may not feel they have one. Consider how it might feel to be there. You are a stranger to them, not an instant friend or “someone to be trusted.” Imagine how scared and then bitter you might be if you were forced to spend the night in public for a few nights, let alone several weeks or months. Be caring but discreet.

* Do not expect anything! Most people don’t know what to say in response and are greatly affected by how they’ve been treated or mistreated up to the point you greet them. Often times they will say nothing. Sometimes they will be embittered from people’s past inconsideration, harassment, lack of opportunity/resources, or disrespect and may even yell at you or complain. If this reality bothers or annoys you, then you may want to give in another way until you are ready.

* There are many ways to help. Donating supplies and keeping an ear open for individuals or families in need is a first and very important step. Supporting a giver financially or with encouragement or conversation is another wonderful support! Reading up on hunger, homelessness, and poverty is also effective for education and enriching one’s understanding and compassion.

* Do not give beyond your means! Doing so will cause you to build resentment about your self-derived financial deficits / responsibilities. Give what you can, when you can. This is an ongoing effort.

* Be patient and grateful, not self-pressured or stressed. Giving is much more difficult than it seems it ought to be. It takes practice, humility, time, energy, emotion and flexibility. Giving yourself unrealistic (overambitious) goals or specific deadlines may cause you to feel burdened or overwhelmed which negatively affects your health (mentally and physically). This in turn creates unnecessary stress in your life which will also have a negative impact on those whose lives you touch. On the contrary, cultivating gratitude breeds peace and generosity.

* Connect with others. Share experiences and helpful things you learn along the way.

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