Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tired Soup Man

Last Saturday it was rainy, on and off.  A pretty enjoyable weather for those of us with shelter.  I spent the majority of the morning chopping and boiling and simmering two batches of soup.  I really wanted to put some of the hot soup in the twist topped tupperware containers I had purchased for this very reason and deliver it to someone while it was still warm.  I couldn't believe how long it took me to get organized! I finally left the house around 1:00pm after a lengthy chat with my number one supporter.  I saw a few different people that probably would've enjoyed the soup but I was not comfortable approaching them either because they were males larger than myself or because they were in a group of about four individuals under a darkened bridge / overpass of a main road.  It was getting near the time of my engagement and I still needed to go home to look up directions.  As I was headed home, I took the "long-way," kind of switchbacking around some streets nearby.  Driving along a boulevard well-known for it's unsafe and underprivileged nature, I saw a middle-aged Hispanic man sitting on the steps of an office or abandoned building space with his head in his hands.  His hands were clasped together and also ruffling his messy hair.  He appeared to be worn down from the stress of life or a job he was just leaving or heading toward.  There was a bike and then I also noticed a cell phone.  It wasn't clear if he was homeless or just not home yet but it was clear he was tired and not at any kind of final destination.  I pulled over into the tiny office's parking lot and walked toward the man.  He looked up without hesitation so I asked if he was hungry.  He said yes so I offered him some soup.  As I walked back to my car to get it, he followed saying, "You have (it here)??"  I nodded yes and handed him the warm cup of homemade bean and vegetable garlic soup, crackers and bag with utensils and a napkin.  He took all of it and expressed his gratitude by saying thank you and nodding his head humbly.
     On my way home I started thinking of all the other homeless and hungry people I had witnessed.  I realized why this mobile project was loving but not quite efficient.  This same thought passed my mind when I began thinking about the cost of materials and food and about how much better it would be if I could or would buy in bulk and prepare a lot of the food ahead of time.
     I almost started typing dream-speak right now which means I should stop typing if I want to make sense.  I am very tired but grateful today, for so many "things."  Discussion on how to prepare the most, best, healthiest or just efficient method of food-giving will have to be continued in a later post. . .

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