Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Family in Need

I was shopping at Fresh 'N Easy for some healthy items and adding a few things to my cart for those in need, whom I'd just started a food collection for that very morning, when my phone rang.  Funny to think of the days when your phone rang AT HOME when you were at the store.  On the other end of the line was my most supportive boyfriend (how funny - that could read as though I have more than one - I do not, Thank God).  He told me that he had just pulled over for a man and young boy who held a sign that said, "Family in Need, Please Help."  He was not able to give me the number at the time so we said we'd speak later and I continued my shopping only this time with a new zeal.  

As I added to and later thankfully subtracted from my cart, various food items I thought a family might need, a curious anxiety began to grow in my being.  I felt very excited that it was happening! My personal mission was taking root, a door of opportunity to make a difference no matter how tiny was creaking open!  "How could I pay for all the things they would need?" I thought.  I wanted to buy them soap, bread, towels, beans, and everything in between.  The magnitude of what people need really entered my mind, truly, for the first time.  How could I possibly get them even some of all that they needed?  Well, I decided that I could get them some of what they needed and so, with melancholy, I replaced several items back on the shelf and proceeded to the checkout line.  Even with the parred down batch I still managed to go about $30.00 over my budget.  

When I got home I arranged everything on a cleaned cabinet shelf and then set to making two finished food bags.  Each one had some form of protein, carbohydrate or starch, vegetable and fruit.  I began to make two hygiene kits as well but ran out of supplies (they just have toothpaste and soap for now).  Most of the food I had accumulated was from a very generous co-worker who has a heart for helping others also (like most of the people I work with).  Later that night (a Friday), my boyfriend relayed the phone number of the father in need to me.  

On Saturday morning I called and left a message with a young boy.  About an hour later as I was preparing some homemade soup, "Jacob" called back and we spoke for about five minutes.  The first thing he said was how grateful he was that my boyfriend even stopped. He went on to say that "no one stops so him just stopping to get our contact information made me feel so good."  Jacob was mostly looking for work.  His family of four, I believe, was okay on food for the time being (actually, he said they had "plenty" of food) due to having food stamps but that bills were the tough part.  After explaining about my food collection he was gracious and said that he was sure God would work something out.  Also, that if it got to be the end of the month and they were tight on food, he'd give me a call. 

Please keep this man and his family in your prayers and thoughts.  I believe he is in the business of handyman-type repairs.  I should have asked him more specifically what kind of work he was looking for - will try to remember to ask that important question next time.  Remember, the majority of people who are homeless are only temporarily so, often times families whose parents are unemployed for a time.  Luckily, Jacob's family is not homeless at this time but neither he nor his wife have a job right now despite efforts to secure one and we all know that food stamps will not cover rent or a mortgage.  

I will be posting a list of items that are great to donate soon.  So far this blog is intended to be read / responded to by people I know living locally.  If there are others who want to donate items or money I will have to figure that out as it happens.  Currently, I've devoted on cabinet shelf at home, one box at work and my car's trunk to the cause of helping people who are hungry to be nourished.  Thank you for your support, all kinds! It's appreciated by many.

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