Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Response to reading Newsweek cover story, "The War on Christians"

Say it with me: Violence (of any kind, toward any person or group of persons, for any reason) is BAD. Killing for the cause of any religion or government to advance is anti-human/anti-life. I know and support several people who are in or desire to be in the military. It is not because they kill people. It is because they ARE people, many of whom are trying to or actually are making some very positive changes in the world such as attempting to obliterate opium wars by teaching farmers how to grow other crops of food and providing resources to assist in this better alternative. Also, why do "open-minded" liberals so often shun Christians, many of whom provide food, shelter, medical aide, counseling, education, refuge, and other assistance to those in need? Is it because some Christians have been guilty of killing in the past and some whom CLAIM to be Christian wear hate on their heart and sleeve? Christians are not perfect and true ones would never claim to be. To be Christian should only always mean, one who believes in and desires to live his or her life the way Jesus Christ of Nazareth did. Jesus did not preach hate. Jesus loved the (people of the) world - no matter their circumstances or actions. He, by living his life in the loving way God taught him to, improved or saved the lives of prostitutes, thieves, and murderers. He did not do this by excluding others, but by including them, GENUINELY caring about them, LOVING them. Neither religions, ethnicities, geographies, or cultures are the enemy. HATRED always has been and always will be humankind's only enemy. If you are going to tell me that certain religion's teach hate please know that despite the religious ignorance I may hold regarding specific doctrines of most or all religions, I would just tell you that TRUTH, exists, without hate. This was posted in response to my reading of Newsweek's cover story: "The War on Christians."